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CHARLIE’S ANGELS (2000) Starring: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy
Liu, Bill Murray Based on the popular TV series, this movie
finds our three ass-kicking heroines battling… ah it doesn’t matter. The plot
is so incomprehensible and incoherent that all the film has to fall back on
is the colorful set scenes, cheesy dialogue and the bodacious leading ladies.
I haven’t seen the original series, not even one episode, but if it was
anything like this movie then I’m surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
There is absolutely no substance, no logic and no reasoning behind anything.
But alas, it does have three beautiful women in beautiful clothes who all
manage to look beautiful when battling bad guys. Diaz, Barrymore, and Liu all
do what is expected of them, and act as pure eye candy and sputter around
with ridiculous grins that make them all look like half-wits. But what makes the movie fun is that it never
takes itself serious for a minute. It doesn’t care that it has over
twenty-five throwaway plots that have absolutely nothing to do with the
already inconsequential storyline. The three leading ladies love lives are
abandoned during the final ten minutes (what the hell happens to the guy from
Friends and Luke Wilson? And why is Tim Curry even in the
movie?). But to ask such questions is pointless, because all it is trying to
accomplish is showing off the three actresses and their skimpy outfits. Bill
Murray, criminally underused, plays Bosley, the angel’s boss so to speak (he
works for the unseen but heard Charlie, an anonymous millionaire who funds
the crime fighting team). He has a funny moment here and there, and his
presence is always appreciated. But all he really has to do is stand around,
and such a gifted actor and comedian should never be put to waste like this. If you’re in the mood for pure stupidity, than
by all means, pick the movie up. The features on the DVD are nothing to write
home about, especially if you’re not into the movie (does anyone really care
that a bathroom sequence in which two of the angels are dressed like men was
shortened because it served no purpose to the story?). But if you’re in the
mood to check your brain at the door, and don’t mind listening to the silly
dialogue (though many guys won’t be seeing it to listen to them speak
anyway), than rent it for the hell of it. You won’t remember much about it
the following day, but at least you can say you’ve seen it. My Grade: B- |